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That was a bold move, a full 3d game with physics.
The game is a bit buggy, the camera turns to fast and needs better refining, that acceleration/deceleration can seen fancy but sometimes it is a bit uncomfortable, usualy if you can't offer the option to change it is better to stick to the basic so it is more accessible.

The cursor not going away after using the keypad makes the interactions buggy and for me after that (interacting with the keypad) the games becomes unplayble. So I am having a hard time progressing in the game.

The robot could use a warning for when he leaves, and I think the player could start in a place farther from the door.

I think the game could be a enjoyable experience after refining a bit the controls

Can't find out the numbers to the key pad, there are 2 numbers in the bathroom and no number in the kitchen.

Pressing "Space" bobs you up and down, are you supposed to jump?